পরিচ্ছেদঃ ১৮৯: মসজিদে যাওয়ার ফযীলত

৬/১০৬৫। বুরাইদাহ রাদিয়াল্লাহু আনহু হতে বর্ণিত, রাসূলুল্লাহ সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়াসাল্লাম বলেছেন, “রাত্রির অন্ধকারে মসজিদে যাতায়াতকারী লোকাদেরকে কিয়ামতের দিনে পরিপূর্ণ জ্যোতির শুভ সংবাদ জানিয়ে দাও।” (আবূ দাউদ, তিরমিযী) [1]

(189) بَابُ فَضْلِ الْمَشْيِ إِلَى الْمَسَاجِدِ

وَعَنْ بُرَيدَة رضي الله عنه، عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم، قَالَ: «بَشِّرُوا المَشَّائِينَ فِي الظُّلَمِ إِلَى المَسَاجِدِ بِالنُّورِ التَّامِّ يَوْمَ القِيَامَةِ». رواه أبُو دَاوُدَ وَالتِّرمِذِيُّ

(189) Chapter: The Excellence of Proceeding towards the Mosque Walking

Buraidah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "Convey glad tidings to those who walk to the mosque in the darkness. For they will be given full light on the Day of Resurrection." [At-Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud]. Commentary: "In the darkness'' here indicates the Fajr and `Isha' prayers which are performed when it is dark. Because of the street lighting nowadays we do not feel darkness in these hours in towns and cities but even then these lights do not overcome the darkness completely. Thus in spite of the lights, Fajr and `Isha' prayers are the prayers of the dark. Their merit mentioned in this Hadith is that those Muslims who go to the mosque for these prayers will be endowed with perfect light on the Day of Requital by means of which they will easily cross As-Sirat, while those who will be deprived of this light will be facing great trouble in crossing it.